20 Free Stock Photo Websites for Royalty-Free Images
Are you looking for free photos online to use with no royalty fees? Look no further, we have compiled a list of the best free stock photo sites from all over the web!
How to Find Free Stock Photo Websites
If you are working on an online project that needs royalty free images, it may be frustrating to look for hours on the computer just to find nothing or only find photos with watermarks on them. You want the perfect photo for your project, and it may be difficult to find one that fits the right angle, color scheme, and composition.
There are many free stock photo websites out there that many people do not know. We have you covered on where to find the best royalty free images on the internet.
Royalty Free Image Rules
When using free stock photo websites, most of the images are available for free and can be used for any project that you want. According to the creative commons public domain, you can alter these photos however you want to.
Whether you need to copy, edit, or even use the images for commercial purposes, if they are found on these websites, they are all free on public databases. Although some photographers would like to have attribution on their photos, so make sure you research the image before using any photos you find online.
Best Websites for Free Stock Images
Stocksnap.io is a royalty free photo database with lots of options to choose from! All photos on this database are free for you to edit, copy, and use for commercial purposes according to the creative commons public domain.
You can use StockSnap’s search engine to look up a specific photo you are looking for. You can also use their tag-based category system, similar to Instagram hashtags, to help you browse and locate the images that convey the right mood, feeling, sense, or content for your needs.
Pexels is a stock photo website that provides free and high quality images. The photos found on this website are covered by the creative commons public domain so they are free to edit, copy, or use for commercial purposes. The site offers a search bar and tag-based system so you can find the perfect stock image for your project!
Free stock photos
Unsplash is a creator-based stock image website with lots of images to choose from. With categories ranging from nature to health and fitness, you can find many royalty free images to be used for any project!
On this website there are over 2 million stock photos, and they are all submitted by real photographers. Unsplash is partnered with companies such as Buzzfeed and Squarespace, so there are new photos being uploaded to this site often.
Pixabay offers over 1.8 million high quality stock photos for free to users who visit their website. On this site, you can use the search bar to look up what kind of free stock images you need for your project.
This website offers an array of cartoon or hand drawn images, in contrast to the other websites listed on this list.
Pikwizard is another free stock photo database. Unlike the previous websites, this site offers an array of videos to choose from also. This website is not covered by the creative commons public domain, so do your research before you use these images for any commercial purposes.
This website also features a search bar where you can look up any photos that you need for your project.
Life of Pix
LifeofPix is a royalty free image website that has a selection of artistic photos taken by award winning photographers. The images on this site vary from architecture to photos of food. The quality of these images are amazing, and you will find more artistic and visually appealing photos on this website.
Kaboom Pics
KaboomPics is a stock photography website that has very interesting and unique photos for your projects. The photos on this site are crisp, clear, and unique to whatever kind of project you are working on.
From artistic photos of coffee cups, to holiday themed backgrounds, this website has you covered on beautiful and free stock images!
Skitterphoto is a website that takes pride in being “a place to find, show and share public domain photos.” The website features a long list of stock photo options ranging from categories like “animals” all the way to “transportation.”
These photos are public domain, so you can copy, edit, or even use these images for commercial purposes.
Gratisography is a cutting edge stock photo website that appeals to a younger audience with the design of their websites and the photos they offer. This website describes their images as “truly unique, usually whimsy, and always free.”
Visit this website to find unique photos for your project that are artsy, fun, and most importantly, free!
SplitShire is a free stock image website that has a lot of photos to choose from! By “free” this website clarifies that you can “download any free stock photo or video uploaded on SplitShire and use it with no worries about copyright or attribution.”
These photos can be used for any project from creating a website to being printed on t-shirts.
Little Visuals
LittleVisuals is a stock photo website that was created by Nic Jackson. Unfortunately the creator of this website passed away, but his family has let his legacy live on through this stock photo website.
All of the images on this website are protected by the creative commons public domain, which means they can be used for commercial purposes.
Burst is a stock photo website created by the company Shopify. The photos on this site were curated specifically for marketing and business purposes.
Most of the images are grouped together based on certain topics, for example there is a “Cyber Monday Photo Pack” that is available for download that features images that fit that description.
Raw Pixel
RawPixel is a free stock photos website that offers a unique selection of images. Using the search bar and tag-based system, users will find lots of fun, colorful, and free images to use for any project. This website has a selection of cartoon and hand-drawn images to choose from that are perfect for an artistic project.
PicJumbo has a selection of beautiful stock photos to choose from. This website offers free stock photos, backgrounds, and high-resolution images to use for your project that will make it stand out from the rest.
With categories ranging from “flatlay” to “space for text,” these images were selected to use for projects!
New Old Stock
NewOldStock is a unique stock photo website because it offers photos that are extremely old! Dating back all the way to the 1800s, NewOldStock has perfect vintage photo collections for your projects!
They offer vintage photos from public archives that are free of known copyright restrictions on this site.
Jay Mantri
JayMantri is an independent photographer’s personal website where he posts his photography for public use. The images on this site are mostly outdoor photography, landscapes, and animals. These free stock photos are not only beautiful, but they can also be used for a variety of purposes.
PicSpree is a royalty free image online library full of beautiful photos for any type of project. All images on this website are free for personal and commercial use. The photos on this website are similar to those on Shutterstock, a website that offers stock photos that are not free.
ISO Republic
ISORepublic is a free stock photos website where you can find high-resolution creative content public domain certified images for your project. All images on this website are free to use, copy, edit, and even use for commercial purposes. With lots of categories to choose from, this website is great for HD free photos.
Styled Stock
StyledStock is a more feminine stock photo website that offers girly and cute images. Most of these images are background photography shots, that would go perfectly with text on top of them.
This website is unique because it has a filter that allows you to choose a color of photos that you want to search. If you are looking for a stock photo website with girly and feminine images, check out StyledStock.
Rgbstock is a free image database that offers lots of photos that are perfect for commercial projects. This website is broken down into categories such as “architecture,” “business,” and “concepts.”
These photos are all labelled with directions on how to contact who owns the photo, so if you are using these images for a commercial project they make it easy.
Final Thoughts
These websites are great for free stock photos that you can find on the internet that will work for any project you are working on! Use these tools along with keyword research tools and content writing services to get your blog up and running.
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